Integration Tests

A set of integration tests run daily to validate various configurations of Aether, corresponding to the set of supported OnRamp Blueprints. The tests are managed by Jenkins, and can be monitored using the following Dashboard. The following summarizes the current set of tests.

Basic Functionality

These tests validate the base components, configured with (AMP) or without the Aether Management Plane; running on either a single server (QuickStart) or two servers (2server); configured with the officially released Helm Charts (default-charts) or the most recently published charts (latest-charts); and deployed on Ubuntu 20.04 or 22.04.

  • AetherOnRamp_QuickStart_20.04_default-charts

  • AetherOnRamp_QuickStart_22.04_default-charts

  • AetherOnRamp_QuickStart_20.04_latest-charts

  • AetherOnRamp_QuickStart_22.04_latest-charts

  • AetherOnRamp_QuickStart_20.04_AMP

  • AetherOnRamp_QuickStart_22.04_AMP

  • AetherOnRamp_2servers_20.04_default-charts

  • AetherOnRamp_2servers_22.04_default-charts

Advanced Functionality

These tests validate blueprints that incorporate additional functionality, including being configured with alternative RANs (Physical-ENB, Physical-GNB, SD-RAN, UERANSIM) and with multiple UPF pods (Multi-UPF).

  • AetherOnRamp_2servers_20.04_UERANSIM

  • AetherOnRamp_QuickStart_20.04_UERANSIM

  • AetherOnRamp_2servers_Multi-UPF

  • AetherOnRamp_QuickStart_Multi-UPF

  • AetherOnRamp_QuickStart_SD-RAN

  • AetherOnRamp_Physical-ENB

  • AetherOnRamp_Physical-GNB

Testing In-Depth

Although still a work-in-progress, we also plan for additional in-depth tests, including automated testing of the Aether API.

  • AetherOnRamp_QuickStart_API-Test