Development Support

OnRamp's primary goal is to support users that want to deploy officially released versions of Aether on local hardware, but it also provides a way for users that want to develop new features to deploy and test them. To this end, this section describes how to configure OnRamp to use locally modified components, such as Helm Charts and Docker images (including new images built from source code).

At a low level, development is a component-specific task, and users are referred to documentation for the respective subsystems:

At a high level, OnRamp provides a means to deploy developmental versions of Aether that include local modifications to the standard components. These modifications range from coarse-grain (i.e., replacing the Helm Chart for an entire subsystem), to fine-grain (i.e., replacing the container image for an individual microservice). The following uses SD-Core as a specific example to illustrate how this is done. The same approach can be applied to other subsystems.

Local Helm Charts

To substitute a local Helm Chart—for example, one located in directory /home/ubuntu/aether/sdcore-helm-charts/sdcore-helm-charts on the server where you run the OnRamp make targets—edit the helm block of the core section of vars/main.yml to replace:

  local_charts: false
  chart_ref: aether/sd-core
  chart_version: 0.12.8


  local_charts: true
  chart_ref: "/home/ubuntu/aether/sdcore-helm-charts/sdcore-helm-charts"
  chart_version: 0.13.2

Note that variable core.helm.local_charts is a boolean, and in this example, we have declared our new chart to be version 0.13.2 instead of 0.12.8.

Finally, while there are situations that require modifying full Helm charts, it is also possibly to simply substitute an alternative values override file for an existing chart by changing the core.values_file: variable in vars/main.yml. (This is a standard practice when defining new blueprints, as discussed in Other Blueprints.

Local Container Images

Being able to modify a Helm Chart makes it possible to substitute alternative container images for any or all the microservices identified in the chart. But it is also possible to substitute just a single container image while using the standard chart.

To substitute a locally built container image, edit the corresponding block in the values override file that you have configured in vars/main.yml; e.g., deps/5gc/roles/core/templates/sdcore-5g-values.yaml. For example, if you want to deploy the AMF image with tag my-amf:version-foo from the container registry of your personal GitLab account, then set the images block of 5G control plane section accordingly:

  enable5G: true
    repository: ""
      amf: my-account/my-amf:version-foo

A new Make target streamlines the process of frequently re-installing the Kubernetes pods that implement the Core:

$ make 5gc-core-reset

If you are also modifying gNBsim in concert with changes to SD-Core, then note that the former is not deployed on Kubernetes, and so there is no Helm Chart or values override file. Instead, you simply need to modify the image variable in the gnbsim section of vars/main.yml to reference your locally built image:

      image: omecproject/5gc-gnbsim:main-PR_88-cc0d21b

For convenience, the following Make target restarts the container, which pulls in the new image.

$ make gnbsim-reset

Keep in mind that you can also rerun gNBsim with the same container, but loading the latest gNBsim config file, by typing:

$ make aether-gnbsim-run

Directly Invoking Helm

It is also possible to directly invoke Helm without engaging OnRamp's Ansible playbooks. In this scenario, a developer might use OnRamp to initially set up Aether (e.g., to deploy Kubernetes on a set of nodes, install the routes and virtual bridges needed to interconnect the components, and bring up an initial set of pods), but then iteratively update the pods running on that cluster by executing helm. This can be the basis for an efficient development loop for users with an in-depth understanding of Helm and Kubernetes.

To see how this might work, it is helpful to look at an example installation playbook, and see how key tasks map onto a corresponding helm commands. We'll use deps/5gc/roles/core/tasks/install.yml, which installs the 5G core, as an example. Consider the following two blocks from the playbook (each block corresponds to an Ansible task):

- name: add aether chart repo
    name: aether
    repo_url: ""
  when: inventory_hostname in groups['master_nodes']

- name: deploy aether 5gc
    update_repo_cache: true
    name: sd-core
    release_namespace: aether-5gc
    create_namespace: true
    chart_ref: "{{ core.helm.chart_ref }}"
    chart_version: "{{ core.helm.chart_version }}"
      - /tmp/sdcore-5g-values.yaml
    wait: true
    wait_timeout: "2m30s"
    force: true
  when: inventory_hostname in groups['master_nodes']

These two tasks correspond to the following three helm commands:

$ helm repo add aether
$ helm repo update
$ helm upgrade --create-namespace \
                         --install \
                         --version $CHART_VERSION \
                         --wait \
                         --namespace aether-5gc \
                         --values $VALUES_FILE \

The correspondence between task parameters and command arguments is straightforward, keeping in mind that both approaches take advantage of variables (as defined in vars/main.yml for the Ansible tasks, and corresponding to shell variables CHART_VERSION and VALUES_FILE in our example command sequence). The when line in the two tasks indicates that the task is to be run on the master_nodes in your hosts.ini file; that node is where you would directly call helm. Note that local charts can be used by also executing the following command (reusing the example path name from earlier in this section):

$ helm dep up /home/ubuntu/aether/sdcore-helm-charts/sdcore-helm-charts

You will see other tasks in the OnRamp playbooks. These tasks primarily take care of bookkeeping; automating bookkeeping tasks (including templating) is one of the main values that Ansible provides.

Finally, keep in mind that in using SD-Core to illustrate how to build a customized modify-and-test loop, this section doesn't address some of the peculiarities of the other components. As one example, ROC has prerequisites that have to be installed before the ROC itself. These prereqs are identified in the ROC installation playbook, and include onos-operator, which in turn depends on atomix.

As another example, the ROC and monitoring services allow you to program new features by loading alternative "specifications" into the running pods (in addition to installing new container images). This approach is described in the ROC Development and Monitoring Development sections, respectively, and implemented by the roc-load and monitor-load roles found in deps/amp/roles.