Other Blueprints

The previous sections describe how to deploy three Aether blueprints, corresponding to three variants of var/main.yml. This section documents additional blueprints, each defined by a combination of Ansible components:

  • A vars/main-blueprint.yml file, checked into the aether-onramp repo, is the "root" of the blueprint specification.

  • A hosts.ini file, documented by example, specifies the target servers required by the blueprint.

  • A set of Make targets, defined in a submodule and imported into OnRamp's global Makefile, provides commands to install and uninstall the blueprint.

  • (Optional) A new aether-blueprint repo defines the Ansible Roles and Playbooks required to deploy a new component.

  • (Optional) New Roles, Playbooks, and Templates, checked to existing repos/submodules, customize existing components for integration with the new blueprint. To support blueprint independence, these elements are intentionally kept "narrow", rather than glommed onto an existing element.

  • (Optional) Any additional hardware (beyond the Ansible-managed Aether servers) required to support the blueprint.

  • A Jenkins pipeline, added to the set of OnRamp integration tests, verifies that the blueprint successfully deploys Aether. These pipelines are defined by Groovy scripts, and can be found in the aether-jenkins repo.

The above list also establishes the requirements for adding new blueprints to OnRamp. The community is to encourage to contribute (and maintain) new Aether configurations and deployment scenarios.[1] The rest of this section documents community-contributed blueprints to-date; the concluding subsection gives a set of guidelines for creating new blueprints.

Finally, because some blueprints include features that are not compatible with simple configurations like Quick Start, it is sometimes necessary to install/uninstall Aether using a set of narrow Make targets (e.g., 5gc-upf-install) rather than a single broad target (e.g., aether-5gc-install). Such situations are documented in the following subsections.

Multiple UPFs

The base version of SD-Core includes a single UPF, running in the same Kubernetes namespace as the Core's control plane. This blueprint adds the ability to bring up multiple UPFs (each in a different namespace), and uses ROC to establish the UPF-to-Slice-to-Device bindings required to activate end-to-end user traffic. The resulting deployment is then verified using gNBsim.

The Multi-UPF blueprint includes the following:

  • Global vars file vars/main-upf.yml gives the overall blueprint specification.

  • Inventory file hosts.ini is identical to that used in the Emulated RAN section. Minimally, SD-Core runs on one server and gNBsim runs on a second server. (The Quick Start deployment, with both SD-Core and gNBsim running in the same server, may also work, but is not actively maintained.)

  • New make targets, 5gc-upf-install and 5gc-upf-uninstall, to be executed after the standard SD-Core installation. The blueprint also reuses the roc-load target to activate new slices in ROC.

  • New Ansible role (upf) added to the 5gc submodule, including a new UPF-specific template (upf-5g-values.yaml).

  • New models file (roc-5g-models-upf2.json) added to the roc-load role in the amp submodule. This models file is applied as a patch on top of the base set of ROC models. (Since this blueprint is demonstrated using gNBsim, the assumed base models are given by roc-5g-models.json.)

  • The Jenkins pipeline upf.groovy validates the Multi-UPF blueprint.

To use Multi-UPF, first copy the vars file to main.yml:

$ cd vars
$ cp main-upf.yml main.yml

Then edit hosts.ini and vars/main.yml to match your local target servers, and deploy the base system (as in previous sections). You can also optionally install the monitoring subsystem.

$ make k8s-install
$ make roc-install
$ make roc-load
$ make 5gc-install
$ make gnbsim-install

Note that because main.yml sets core.standalone: "false", any models loaded into ROC are automatically applied to SD-Core.

At this point you are ready to bring up additional UPFs and bind them to specific slices and devices. An example configuration that brings up second UPF is included in the upf block in the core section of vars/main.yml:

   access_subnet: "" # access subnet & gateway
   core_subnet: ""   # core subnet & gateway
       chart_ref: aether/bess-upf
  values_file: "deps/5gc/roles/upf/templates/upf-5g-values.yaml"
       access: ""
       core:   ""
     ue_ip_pool: ""
          access: ""
          core:   ""
        ue_ip_pool: ""
     # "2":
     #   ip:
     #     access: ""
     #     core:   ""
     #   ue_ip_pool: ""

As shown above, one additional UPF is enabled (beyond upf-0 that already came up as part of SD-Core), with the spec for yet another UPF commented out. In this example configuration, each UPF is assigned a subnet on the access and core bridges, along with the IP address pool for UEs that the UPF serves. To launch this second UPF, type:

$ make 5gc-upf-install

At this point the new UPF(s) will be running in their own namespaces (you can verify this using kubectl get pods --all-namespaces), but no traffic will be directed to them until UEs are assigned to their IP address pool. Doing so requires loading the appropriate bindings into ROC, which you can do by editing the roc_models line in amp section of vars/main.yml. Comment out the original models file already loaded into ROC, and uncomment the new patch that is to be applied:

   # roc_models: "deps/amp/roles/roc-load/templates/roc-5g-models.json"
   roc_models: "deps/amp/roles/roc-load/templates/roc-5g-models-upf2.json"

Then run the following to load the patch:

$ make roc-load

At this point you can bring up the Aether GUI and see that a second slice and a second device group have been mapped onto the second UPF.

Now you are ready to run traffic through both UPFs, which because the configuration files identified in the servers block of the gnbsim section of vars/main.yml align with the IMSIs bound to each Device Group (which are bound to each slice, which are in turn bound to each UPF), the emulator sends data through both UPFs. To run the emulation, type:

$ make gnbsim-run

To verify that both UPFs were functional, you will need to look at the summary.log file from both instances of gNBsim:

$ docker exec -it gnbsim-1 cat summary.log
$ docker exec -it gnbsim-2 cat summary.log


This blueprint runs SD-Core and SD-RAN's near real-time RIC in tandem, with RANSIM emulating various RAN elements. (The OnRamp roadmap includes plans to couple SD-RAN with other virtual and physical RAN elements, but RANSIM is currently the only option.)

The SD-RAN blueprint includes the following:

  • Global vars file vars/main-sdran.yml gives the overall blueprint specification.

  • Inventory file hosts.ini is identical to that used in the Quick Start deployment, with both SD-RAN and SD-Core co-located on a single server.

  • New make targets, sdran-install and sdran-uninstall, to be executed after the standard SD-Core installation.

  • A new submodule deps/sdran (corresponding to repo aether-sdran) defines the Ansible Roles and Playbooks required to deploy SD-RAN.

  • The Jenkins pipeline sdran.groovy validates the SD-RAN blueprint.

To use SD-RAN, first copy the vars file to main.yml:

$ cd vars
$ cp main-sdran.yml main.yml

Then edit hosts.ini and vars/main.yml to match your local target servers, and deploy the base system (as in previous sections), followed by SD-RAN:

$ make k8s-install
$ make 5gc-install
$ make sdran-install

Use kubectl to validate that the SD-RAN workload is running, which should result in output similar to the following:

$ kubectl get pods -n sdran
NAME                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
onos-a1t-68c59fb46-8mnng         2/2     Running   0          3m12s
onos-cli-c7d5b54b4-cddhr         1/1     Running   0          3m12s
onos-config-5786dbc85c-rffv7     3/3     Running   0          3m12s
onos-e2t-5798f554b7-jgv27        2/2     Running   0          3m12s
onos-kpimon-555c9fdb5c-cgl5b     2/2     Running   0          3m12s
onos-topo-6b59c97579-pf5fm       2/2     Running   0          3m12s
onos-uenib-6f65dc66b4-b78zp      2/2     Running   0          3m12s
ran-simulator-5d9465df55-p8b9z   1/1     Running   0          3m12s
sd-ran-consensus-0               1/1     Running   0          3m12s
sd-ran-consensus-1               1/1     Running   0          3m12s
sd-ran-consensus-2               1/1     Running   0          3m12s

Note that the SD-RAN workload includes RANSIM as one of its pods; there is no separate "run simulator" step as is the case with gNBsim. To validate that the emulation ran correctly, query the ONOS CLI as follows:

Check onos-kpimon to see if 6 cells are present:

$ kubectl exec -it deployment/onos-cli -n sdran -- onos kpimon list metrics

Check ran-simulator to see if 10 UEs and 6 cells are present:

$ kubectl exec -it deployment/onos-cli -n sdran -- onos ransim get cells
$ kubectl exec -it deployment/onos-cli -n sdran -- onos ransim get ues

Check onos-topo to see if E2Cell is present:

$ kubectl exec -it deployment/onos-cli-n sdran -- onos topo get entity -v


This blueprint runs UERANSIM in place of gNBsim, providing a second way to direct workload at SD-Core. Of particular note, UERANSIM runs iperf3, making it possible to measure UPF throughput. (In contrast, gNBsim primarily stresses the Core's Control Plane.)

The UERANSIM blueprint includes the following:

  • Global vars file vars/main-ueransim.yml gives the overall blueprint specification.

  • Inventory file hosts.ini needs to be modified to identify the server that is to run UERANSIM. Currently, a second server is needed, as UERANSIM and SD-Core cannot be deployed on the same server. As an example, hosts.ini might look like this:

node1  ansible_host= ansible_user=aether ansible_password=aether ansible_sudo_pass=aether
node2  ansible_host= ansible_user=aether ansible_password=aether ansible_sudo_pass=aether



  • New make targets, ueransim-install, ueransim-run, and ueransim-uninstall, to be executed after the standard SD-Core installation.

  • A new submodule deps/ueransim (corresponding to repo aether-ueransim) defines the Ansible Roles and Playbooks required to deploy UERANSIM. It also contains configuration files for the emulator.

  • The Jenkins pipeline ueransim.groovy validates the UERANSIM blueprint. It also illustrates how to run Linux commands that exercise the user plane from the emulated UE.

To use UERANSIM, first copy the vars file to main.yml:

$ cd vars
$ cp main-ueransim.yml main.yml

Then edit hosts.ini and vars/main.yml to match your local target servers, and deploy the base system (as in previous sections), followed by UERANSIM:

$ make k8s-install
$ make 5gc-install
$ make ueransim-install
$ make ueransim-run

The last step actually starts UERANSIM, configured according to the specification given in files custom-gnb.yaml and custom-ue.yaml located in deps/ueransim/config. Make target ueransim-run can be run multiple times, where doing so reflects any recent edits to the config files. More information about UERANSIM can be found on GitHub, including how to set up the config files.

Finally, since the main value of UERANSIM is to measure user plane throughput, you may want to play with the UPF's Quality-of-Service parameters, as defined in deps/5gc/roles/core/templates/sdcore-5g-values.yaml. Specifically, see both the UE-level settings associated with ue-dnn-qos and the slice-level settings associated with slice_rate_limit_config.

Physical eNBs

Aether OnRamp is geared towards 5G, but it does support physical eNBs, including 4G-based versions of both SD-Core and AMP. The 4G blueprint has been demonstrated with SERCOMM's 4G/LTE CBRS Small Cell. The blueprint uses all the same Ansible machinery outlined in earlier sections, but starts with a variant of vars/main.yml customized for running physical 4G radios:

$ cd vars
$ cp main-eNB.yml main.yml

Assuming that starting point, the following outlines the key differences from the 5G case:

  • There is a 4G-specific repo, which you can find in deps/4gc.

  • The core section of vars/main.yml specifies a 4G-specific values file:

    values_file: "deps/4gc/roles/core/templates/radio-4g-values.yaml"

  • The amp section of vars/main.yml specifies that 4G-specific models and dashboards get loaded into the ROC and Monitoring services, respectively:

    roc_models: "deps/amp/roles/roc-load/templates/roc-4g-models.json"

    monitor_dashboard:  "deps/amp/roles/monitor-load/templates/4g-monitor"

  • You need to edit two files with details for the 4G SIM cards you use. One is the 4G-specific values file used to configure SD-Core:


    The other is the 4G-specific Models file used to bootstrap ROC:


  • There are 4G-specific Make targets for SD-Core (e.g., make aether-4gc-install and make aether-4gc-uninstall), but the Make targets for AMP (e.g., make aether-amp-install and make aether-amp-uninstall) work unchanged in both 4G and 5G.

The Quick Start and Emulated RAN (gNBsim) deployments are for 5G only, but revisiting the previous sections—substituting the above for their 5G counterparts—serves as a guide for deploying a 4G blueprint of Aether. Note that the network is configured in exactly the same way for both 4G and 5G. This is because SD-Core's implementation of the UPF is used in both cases.

Enable SR-IOV and DPDK

UPF performance can be improved by enabling SR-IOV and DPDK. This blueprint supports both optimizations, where the former depends on the server NIC(s) being SR-IOV capable. Before getting to the blueprint itself, we note the following hardware-related prerequisites.

  • Make sure virtualization and VT-d parameters are enabled in the BIOS.

  • Make sure enough hugepage memory has been allocated and iommu is enabled. These changes can be made by updating /etc/default/grub:

    GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="intel_iommu=on iommu=pt default_hugepagesz=1G hugepagesz=1G hugepages=32 transparent_hugepage=never"

    Note that the number of hugepages must be two times the number of UPF Instances. Once the file is updated, apply the changes by running:

    $ sudo update-grub
    $ sudo reboot

    Verify the allocated hugepages using the following command:

    $ cat /proc/meminfo | grep HugePages
    AnonHugePages:         0 kB
    ShmemHugePages:        0 kB
    FileHugePages:         0 kB
    HugePages_Total:      32
    HugePages_Free:       32
    HugePages_Rsvd:        0
    HugePages_Surp:        0
  • Create the required VF devices, where a minimum of two is required for each UPF. Using ens801f0 as an example VF interface, this is done as follows:

    $ echo 2 > /sys/class/net/ens801f0/device/sriov_numvfs

    Retrieve the PCI address for the newly created VF devices using the following command:

    $ ls -l /sys/class/net/ens801f0/device/virtfn*
  • Clone the DPDK repo to use the binding tools:

    $ git clone https://github.com/DPDK/dpdk.git
    $ cd dpdk
  • Bind the VF devices to the vfio-pci driver as follows:

    $ ./usertools/dpdk-devbind.py -b vfio-pci 0000:b1:01.0
    $ ./usertools/dpdk-devbind.py -b vfio-pci 0000:b1:01.1

Returning to the OnRamp blueprint, it includes the following:

  • Global vars file vars/main-sriov.yml gives the overall blueprint specification.

  • Inventory file hosts.ini is identical to that used throughout this Guide. There are no additional node groups.

  • New make targets, 5gc-sriov-install and 5gc-sriov-uninstall, to be executed along with the standard SD-Core installation (see below).

  • New Ansible role (sriov) added to the 5gc submodule.

  • SRIOV-specific override variables required to configure the core are included in a new template: deps/5gc/roles/core/templates/sdcore-5g-sriov-values.yaml.

  • Integration tests require SR-IOV capable servers, and so have not been automated in Jenkins.

To use SR-IOV and DPDK, first copy the vars file to main.yml:

$ cd vars
$ cp main-sriov.yml main.yml

You will see the main difference in the upf block of the core section:

  access_subnet: "" # access subnet & gateway
  core_subnet: ""   # core subnet & gateway
  mode: dpdk                        # Options: af_packet or dpdk
  # If mode set to 'dpdk':
  #    - make sure at least two VF devices are created out of 'data_iface'
  #      and these devices are attached to vfio-pci driver;
  #    - use 'sdcore-5g-sriov-values.yaml' file for 'values_file' (above).

Note the VF device requirement in upf block comments, and be sure that the core block points to the alternative override file:

values_file: "deps/5gc/roles/core/templates/sdcore-5g-sriov-values.yaml"

Deploying this blueprint involves the invoking the following sequence of Make targets:

$ make k8s-install
$ make 5gc-router-install
$ make 5gc-sriov-install
$ make 5gc-core-install

The 5gc-sriov-install step happens after the Kubernetes cluster is installed, but before the Core workload is instantiated on that cluster. The corresponding playbook augments Kubernetes with the required extensions. It has been written to do nothing unless variable core.upf.mode is set to dpdk, where OnRamp now includes the 5gc-sriov-install target as part of its default 5gc-install target.


Aether can be configured to work with the open source gNB from OAI. The blueprint runs in either simulation mode or with a USRP software-defined radio connecting wirelessly to one or more off-the-shelf UEs. (OAI also supports USRP-based UEs, but this blueprint does not currently support that option; you need to deploy such a UE separately.)

The following assumes familiarity with the OAI 5G RAN stack, but it is not necessary to separately install the OAI stack. OnRamp installs both the Aether Core and the OAI RAN, plus the networking needed to interconnect the two.

Further Reading

Open Air Interface 5G.

The blueprint includes the following:

  • Global vars file vars/main-oai.yml gives the overall blueprint specification.

  • Inventory file hosts.ini uses label [oai_nodes] to denote the server(s) that host the gNB and (when configured in simulation mode) the UE. As with gNBsim, [oai_nodes] can identify the same server as Kubernetes (where the 5G Core runs). Another possible configuration is to co-locate the gNB and UE on one server, with the 5G Core running on a separate server. (Although not necessary in principle, the current playbooks require the gNB and simulated UE be located on the same server.)

  • New make targets, oai-gnb-install and oai-gnb-uninstall, to be executed along with the standard SD-Core installation (see below). When running a simulated UE, targets oai-uesim-start and oai-uesim-stop are also available.

  • A new submodule deps/oai (corresponding to repo aether-oai) defines the Ansible Roles and Playbooks required to deploy the OAI gNB.

  • The Jenkins pipeline oai.groovy validates the OAI 5G blueprint. The pipeline runs OAI in simulation mode, but the blueprint has also been validated with USRP X310.

To use an OAI gNB, first copy the vars file to main.yml:

$ cd vars
$ cp main-oai.yml main.yml

You will see the main difference is the addition of the oai section:

      gnb_image: oaisoftwarealliance/oai-gnb:develop
      ue_image: oaisoftwarealliance/oai-nr-ue:develop
      data_iface: ens18
      name: public_net
      subnet: ""
        name: rfsim5g-public
  simulation: true
    conf_file: deps/oai/roles/gNb/templates/gnb.sa.band78.fr1.106PRB.usrpb210.conf
    ip: ""
    conf_file: deps/oai/roles/uEsimulator/templates/ue.conf

Variable simulation is set to true by default, causing OnRamp to deploy the simulated UE. When set to false, the simulated UE is not deployed and it is instead necessary to configure the USRP and a physical UE.

Note that instead of downloading and compiling the latest OAI software, this blueprint pulls in the published images for both the gNB and UE, corresponding to variables docker.container.gnb_image and docker.container.ue_image, respectively. If you plan to modify the OAI software, you will need to change these values accordingly. See the Development Support section for guidance.

The network block of the oai section configures the necessary tunnels so the gNB can connect to the Core's user and control planes. Variable network.data_iface needs to be modified in the same way as in the core and gnbsim sections of vars/main.yml, as described throughout this Guide.

The path names associated with variables gnb.conf_file and ue.conf_file are OAI-specific configuration files. The two given by default are for simulation mode. The template directory for the gNb role also includes a configuration file for when the USRP X310 hardware is to be deployed; edit variable gnb.conf_file to point to that file instead. If you plan to use some other OAI configuration file, note that the following two variables in the AMF parameters section need to be modified to work with the Aether Core:

amf_ip_address = ({ ipv4 = "{{ core.amf.ip }}"; });

GNB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_NG_AMF  = "{{oai.gnb.ip}}/24";

The core section of vars/main.yml is similar to that used in other blueprints, with two variable settings of note. First, ran_subnet is set to "" and not the empty string (""). As a general rule, core.ran_subnet is set to the empty string whenever a physical gNB is on the same L2 network as the Core, but in the case of an OAI-based gNB, the RAN stack runs in a Macvlan-connected Docker container, and so the variable is set to "". (This is similar to how OnRamp configures the Core for an emulated gNB using gNBsim.)

Second, variable values_file is set to "deps/5gc/roles/core/templates/sdcore-5g-values.yaml" by default, meaning simulated UEs uses the same PLMN and IMSI range as gNBsim. When deploying with physical UEs, it is necessary to replace that values file with one that matches the SIM cards you plan to use. One option is to reuse the values file also used by the Physical RAN blueprint, meaning you would set the variable as:

values_file: "deps/5gc/roles/core/templates/radio-5g-values.yaml"

That file should be edited, as necessary, to match your configuration.

To deploy the OAI blueprint in simulation mode, run the following:

$ make k8s-install
$ make 5gc-install
$ make oai-gnb-install
$ make oai-uesim-start

To deploy the OAI blueprint with a software-defined radio and physical UE, first configure the USRP hardware as described in the USRP Hardware Manual.

Further Reading

USRP Hardware Manual.

Of particular note, you need to select whether the device is to connect to the Aether Core using its 1-GigE or 10-GigE interface, and make sure the OAI configuration file (corresponding to gnb.conf_file) sets the sd_addrs variable to match the interface you select. You also need to make sure the PLMN-related values in the files specified by core.values_file and gnb.conf_file (along with the SIM cards you burn) are consistent. Once ready, run the following Make targets:

$ make k8s-install
$ make 5gc-install
$ make oai-gnb-install

The Physical RAN section of this Guide can be helpful in debugging the end-to-end setup, even though the gNB details are different.

srsRAN 5G

Aether can be configured to work with the open source gNB from srsRAN. The blueprint runs in simulation mode. (Support for USRP radio is currently work-in-progress.)

The following assumes familiarity with the srsRAN 5G stack, but it is not necessary to separately install the srsRAN stack. OnRamp installs both the Aether Core and srsRAN, plus the networking needed to interconnect the two.

Further Reading


The blueprint includes the following:

  • Global vars file vars/main-srsran.yml gives the overall blueprint specification.

  • Inventory file hosts.ini uses label [srsran_nodes] to denote the server(s) that host the gNB and (when configured in simulation mode) the UE. The srsRAN blueprint installs the gNB and UE on one server, with the 5G Core running on a separate server. (Although not necessary in principle, the current playbooks require the gNB and simulated UE be located on the same server.)

  • New make targets, srsran-gnb-install and srsran-gnb-uninstall, to be executed along with the standard SD-Core installation (see below). When running a simulated UE, targets srsran-uesim-start and srsran-uesim-stop are also available.

  • A new submodule deps/srsran (corresponding to repo aether-srsran) defines the Ansible Roles and Playbooks required to deploy the srsRAN gNB.

  • The Jenkins pipeline srsran.groovy validates the srsRAN 5G blueprint. The pipeline runs srsRAN in simulation mode.

To use an srsRAN gNB, first copy the vars file to main.yml:

$ cd vars
$ cp main-srsran.yml main.yml

You will see the main difference is the addition of the srsran section:

      gnb_image: aetherproject/srsran-gnb:rel-0.0.1
      ue_image: aetherproject/srsran-ue:rel-0.0.1
      data_iface: ens18
      name: host
      subnet: ""
        name: rfsim5g-public
  simulation: true
    conf_file: deps/srsran/roles/gNB/templates/gnb_zmq.conf
    ip: ""
    conf_file: deps/srsran/roles/uEsimulator/templates/ue_zmq.conf

Variable simulation is set to true by default, causing OnRamp to deploy the simulated UE. When set to false, the simulated UE is not deployed.

Note that instead of downloading and compiling the latest srsRAN software, this blueprint pulls in the published images for both the gNB and UE, corresponding to variables docker.container.gnb_image and docker.container.ue_image, respectively. If you plan to modify the srsRAN software, you will need to change these values accordingly. See the Development Support section for guidance.

The network block of the srsran section configures the necessary tunnels so the gNB can connect to the Core's user and control planes.

The path names associated with variables gnb.conf_file and ue.conf_file are srsRAN-specific configuration files. The two given by default are for simulation mode.

The core section of vars/main.yml is similar to that used in other blueprints, with two variable settings of note. First, set ran_subnet to proper ran subnet as per your setup. As a general rule, core.ran_subnet is set to the empty("") string whenever a physical gNB is on the same L2 network as the Core.

Second, variable values_file is set to "deps/5gc/roles/core/templates/sdcore-5g-values.yaml" by default, meaning simulated UEs uses the same PLMN and IMSI range as gNBsim. When deploying with physical UEs, it is necessary to replace that values file with one that matches the SIM cards you plan to use. One option is to reuse the values file also used by the Physical RAN blueprint, meaning you would set the variable as:

values_file: "deps/5gc/roles/core/templates/radio-5g-values.yaml"

That file should be edited, as necessary, to match your configuration.

To deploy the srsRAN blueprint in simulation mode, run the following:

$ make k8s-install
$ make 5gc-install
$ make srsran-gnb-install
$ make srsran-uesim-start

Multihop gNBs

By default OnRamp uses isolated networks for the N3 (e.g., 192.168.252.x) and N6 (e.g., 192.168.250.x) interfaces. This prevents gNBs on different subnets or located multiple hops away from connecting to the UPF on the N3 interface.

In order to support such deployments, OnRamp provides an option to configure N3 from the same subnet as core.data_iface. It can be enabled by setting setting core.upf.multihop_gnb to true.

For example, suppose core.data_iface corresponds to subnet and the gNB is on subnet Configure the parameters as follows:

data_iface: ens18
ran_subnet: ""
   access_subnet: ""    # access subnet & gateway
   core_subnet: ""   # core subnet & gateway
   multihop_gnb: true
       access: ""         #  same subnet as data_iface when multihop_gnb is true
       core:   ""
     ue_ip_pool: ""

To connect multiple gNBs on different subnets, you must modify deps/5gc/roles/core/templates/sdcore-5g-values.yaml (if core.upf.mode: af_packet) or deps/5gc/roles/core/templates/sdcore-5g-sriov-values.yaml (if core.upf.mode: dpdk) to add the necessary routes. For example, if a second gNB is on, then add the route as follows:

      - to: {{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}
      - to:

Guidelines for Blueprints

Blueprints define alternate "on ramps" for using Aether. They are intended to provide users with different starting points, depending on the combination of features they are most interested in. The intent is also that users eventually "own" their own customized blueprint, for example by combining features from more than one of the set distributed with OnRamp. Not all such combinations are valid, and not all valid combinations have been been tested. This is why there is not currently one uber-blueprint that satisfies all requirements.

Users are encourage to contribute new blueprints to the official release, for example by adding one or more new features/capabilities, or possibly by demonstrating how to deploy a different combination of existing features. In addition to meeting the general definition of a blueprint (as introduced in the introduction to this section), we recommend the following guidelines.

  • Use Ansible best-practices for defining playbooks. This means using Ansible plugins rather than invoking shell scripts, whenever possible.

  • Avoid embedding configuration parameters in Ansible playbooks. Such parameters should be collected in either vars/main-blueprint.yml or a component-specific configuration file, depending on their purpose (see next item).

  • Avoid exposing too many variables in vars/main-blueprint.yml. Their main purpose is direct how Ansible deploys Aether, and not to configure the individual subsystems of a given deployment. The latter details are best defined in component-specific configuration files (e.g., values override files), which can then be referenced by vars/main-blueprint.yml. The exception is variables that enable/disable a particular feature. Two good examples are core.standalone and oai.simulation.

  • Keep blueprints narrow. One of their main values is to document (in code) how a particular feature is enabled and configured. Introduce new roles to keep playbooks narrow. Introduce new values override files (and other config files) to keep each configuration narrow. Introduce new vars/main-blueprint.yml files to document how a single feature is deployed. The exception is "combo" blueprints that combine multiple existing features (already enabled by single-feature blueprints) to deploy a comprehensive solution.