Connectivity Control Update

At this point, the Aether runtime should be ready. In order to make Aether connectivity control to serve the new ACE, we need to provision the subscriber and configure the connectivity service.

Before you begin

Make sure you have the edge pod checklist ready. Specifically, the following information is required in this section.

  • Enterprise Name. Choose a concise text identifier for the enterprise.

  • MCC. Mobile country code. Consult Aether PMFE for assignment.

  • MNC. Mobile network code. Consult Aether PMFE for assignment.

  • Enterprise ID. A numeric ID that uniquely identifies each enterprise within Aether. Consult Aether PMFE for assignment.

  • List of small cell addresses and their TAC assignments.

  • Address of BESS UPF. See the previous section on setting up the BESS UPF.

  • Subscriber IMSI list. A list of IMSIs for SIMs that the Enterprise will be provided with. New IMSIs can always be added later.

Download aether-app-configs repository

First, download the aether-app-configs repository to your development machine.

$ git clone "ssh://[username]"

Update simapp settings

Edit the simapp configuration and add the new IMSIs to sim management. The file to edit depends on which Aether Connectivity Cluster serves the Enterprise site. The appropriate file for standard Aether production is aether-app-configs/apps/sd-core-4g/overlays/prd-acc-gcp1/values.yaml. Other clusters will be located in similar directories.

The following example demonstrates adding IMSIs 123456789123460-123456789123465:

      version: 1.0.0
      description: SIMAPP initial local configuration
      # network function
      debugLevel: info
      ReportCaller: false
      provision-network-slice: false
      - ueId-start: 123456789123458
        ueId-end: 123456789123458
        plmnId: 20893
        opc: 8e27b6af0e692e750f32667a3b14605d
        key: 8baf473f2f8fd09487cccbd7097c6862
        sequenceNumber: 16f3b3f70fc2
+      - ueId-start: 123456789123460
+        ueId-end: 123456789123465
+        plmnId: 20893
+        opc: 8e27b6af0e692e750f32667a3b14605d
+        key: 8baf473f2f8fd09487cccbd7097c6862
+        sequenceNumber: 16f3b3f70fc2

Commit your change back to the aether-app-configs repository when you are finished.

Configure Connectivity

Once the SIMs are provisioned in simapp, the next step is to provision the customer in the ROC. All of these steps are done using the Portal.

  1. Create a new Enterprise. Link a Connectivity Service to the Enterprise.

  2. Create an AP-List. Enter all of the small cells and their TACs into the AP-List.

  3. Create a Site for the Enterprise. Each site should represent one geographical point of presence where the Enterprise expects to have an Aether installation. Each site will need the MNC, MCC, and Enterprise ID. Enter these parameters into the IMSI Format together with a mask. Using a mask that is 15 “S” characters (SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS) would allow arbitrary IMSIs to be associated with the Site. Add the AP-List you created previously to the Site.

  4. Create an IP-Domain for the Enterprise. The IP-Domain should contain the DNS servers and a subnet that can be assigned to the connected devices.

  5. Create a UPF object. Populate the UPF object with the address and port of the UPF.

  6. Create a Device-Group. Populate the Device-Group with the list of IMSIs that have been assigned to the Enterprise. Link in the IP-Domain that was created previously, and attach it to the site.

  7. Create a Slice. Select an appropriate template for the Slice. Link in the Device-Group, AP-List, and UPF that was created previously.

  8. Repeat the steps above as necessary for each Slice and for each Site that belongs to the enterprise.

  9. If the Subscriber Proxy is to be used, then create a default enterprise named defaultent and a default site within that enterprise named defaultent-defaultsite.


This workflow does not address creating applications, as application filtering is not part of the Aether-1.5 feature set.