.. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2020 Open Networking Foundation SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 Slice Management ================ A **Slice** is a unit of network access for a set of UEs with a defined set of QOS parameters. The following properties are important to the definition of a slice: * An **Enterprise** and **Site**. Slices always exist within a site and an individual slice never spans more than one site. * One or more **Filter** (Application). See :ref:`application` for more information on application filtering. * One or more **DeviceGroup**. See :ref:`subscriber_device_management` for more information on DeviceGroups. * A User Plane Function (**UPF**). UPFs are provisioned by Aether Operations. * **SD** (slice differentiator) and **SST** (slice/service type). These are assigned by Aether Operations. * **Default Behavior** (for Application Filtering). The default behavior is used when no application filtering rules match. * **Uplink** and **Downlink** maximum bitrate (data rate in bps). Slice MBRs are the aggregate of all traffic within the slice and may represent the traffic of multiple devices. For more information, see :ref:`metering`. Provisioning a New Slice ------------------------ This procedure assumes you have already set up one or more DeviceGroups, containing configuration for a number of UEs. Follow the procedure in :ref:`configure_device_group` to configure DeviceGroups. To add a new Slice, click the **Add** button in the Slice List View. |Slice-LIST| In the resulting Slice edit page: #. Enter a Slice ID (this must be unique across the whole system). #. Enter a Display Name (optional). #. Enter a Description (optional). #. Choose an Enterprise (may already have been selected). #. Choose a Site. #. Choose a Template. * This will copy over values from that template, which may be edited individually at this create stage. * They will not be editable afterwards. #. Accept the Default Behavior, SD and SST or change them. #. Accept the Maximum Bitrate (MBR) Uplink and Downlink values or change them. #. Choose a *UPF* from the drop down list. * UPFs will previously have been added to a pool - those remaining unused will appear for selection. |SLICE-ADD| One or more Filters (Applications) and/or DeviceGroups can be associated with the Slice at this stage or later, by clicking on the *+* icon. When chosen, they appear as a list in the Slice edit page, and are automatically enabled/allowed: |SLICE-EDIT-APP-DG| Click on the "Update" to add these changes to the *Basket*. Click the **Commit** in the *Basket View* to commit the changes. See :ref:`committing`. Editing an Existing Slice ------------------------- When editing an existing Slice, it will not be possible to change: * The **id**. * The **template** or the *SD* or *SST* parameters beneath it. Existing *Filters* or *DeviceGroups* can be removed by clicking the *trash can* icon next to it. Alternatively, existing *Filters* or *DeviceGroups* can be *disabled/disallowed* by clicking the slider next to it. This will have the same effect as disabling it. .. note:: The *DeviceGroup* or *Filter* and *UPF* here are *references*. If the underlying object is modified, then the changes on the Slice will take effect whenever changes to those objects are committed. Removing a Slice ---------------- Removing a Slice can be achieved by clicking the *trash can* icon next to the Slice in the Slice List page |SLICE-LIST| .. |SLICE-ADD| image:: images/aether-roc-gui-slice-add.png :width: 500 :alt: Slice Edit page adding a new Slice .. |SLICE-EDIT-APP-DG| image:: images/aether-roc-gui-slice-edit-showing-app-dg.png :width: 300 :alt: Slice Edit showing Application and Device Group choice lists .. |SLICE-LIST| image:: images/aether-roc-gui-slice-list.png :width: 920 :alt: Slice List View in Aether ROC GUI