.. vim: syntax=rst .. _aiab_troubleshooting: Aether-in-a-Box FAQs and Troubleshooting ======================================== FAQs ---- RKE2 vs. Kubespray Install ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The AiaB installer will bring up Kubernetes on the server where it is run. By default it uses `RKE2 `_ as the Kubernetes platform. However, older versions of AiaB used `Kubespray `_ and that is still an option. To switch to Kubespray as the Kubernetes platform, edit the Makefile and replace *rke2* with *kubespray* on this line:: node0:~/aether-in-a-box$ git diff Makefile diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile index 5f2c186..608c221 100644 --- a/Makefile +++ b/Makefile @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ ENABLE_GNBSIM ?= true ENABLE_SUBSCRIBER_PROXY ?= false GNBSIM_COLORS ?= true -K8S_INSTALL ?= rke2 +K8S_INSTALL ?= kubespray CTR_CMD := sudo /var/lib/rancher/rke2/bin/ctr --address /run/k3s/containerd/containerd.sock --namespace k8s.io PROXY_ENABLED ?= false node0:~/aether-in-a-box$ You may wish to use Kubespray instead of RKE2 if you want to use locally-built images with AiaB (e.g., if you are developing SD-CORE services). The reason is that RKE2 uses containerd instead of Docker and so cannot access images in the local Docker registry. How to use Local Image ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Note that RKE2 (the default Kubernetes installer) is based on containerd rather than Docker. Containerd has its own local image registry that is separate from the local Docker Registry. With RKE2, if you have used `docker build` to build a local image, it is only in the Docker registry and so is not available to run in AiaB without some additional steps. An easy workaround is to use `docker push` to push the image to a remote repository (e.g., Docker Hub) and then modify your Helm values file to pull in that remote image. Another option is to save the local Docker image into a file and push the file to the containerd registry like this:: docker save -o /tmp/lte-uesoftmodem.tar omecproject/lte-uesoftmodem:1.1.0 sudo /var/lib/rancher/rke2/bin/ctr --address /run/k3s/containerd/containerd.sock --namespace k8s.io \ images import /tmp/lte-uesoftmodem.tar The above commands save the local Docker image `omecproject/lte-uesoftmodem:1.1.0` in a tarball, and then upload the tarball into the containerd registry where it is available for use by RKE2. Of course you should replace `omecproject/lte-uesoftmodem:1.1.0` with the name of your image. If you know that you are going to be using AiaB to test locally-built images, probably the easiest thing to do is to use the Kubespray installer. If you have already installed using RKE2 and you want to switch to Kubespray, first run `make clean` before following the steps in the :ref:`rke2-vs-kubespray-install` section above. Restarting the AiaB Server ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ AiaB should come up in a mostly working state if the AiaB server is rebooted. If any pods are stuck in an Error or CrashLoopBackoff state they can be restarted using ``kubectl delete pod``. It might also be necessary to power cycle the Sercomm eNodeB in order to get it to reconnect to the SD-CORE. Enabling externalIP at MME ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can enable externalIP service in the MME by providing following config in the override file:: node0:~/aether-in-a-box$ git diff sd-core-4g-values.yaml diff --git a/sd-core-4g-values.yaml b/sd-core-4g-values.yaml index 0939739..f240f89 100644 --- a/sd-core-4g-values.yaml +++ b/sd-core-4g-values.yaml @@ -24,6 +24,11 @@ omec-control-plane: bootstrap: users: [] staticusers: [] + mme: + s1ap: + serviceType: ClusterIP + externalIP: + spgwc: pfcp: true cfgFiles: node0:~/aether-in-a-box$ Enabling externalIP at AMF ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can enable externalIP service in the AMF by providing following config in the override file:: node0:~/aether-in-a-box$ git diff sd-core-5g-values.yaml diff --git a/sd-core-5g-values.yaml b/sd-core-5g-values.yaml index e513e1f..fc1c684 100644 --- a/sd-core-5g-values.yaml +++ b/sd-core-5g-values.yaml @@ -34,6 +34,9 @@ amf: cfgFiles: + ngapp: + serviceType: ClusterIP + externalIp: "" + port: 38412 amfcfg.conf: configuration: enableDBStore: false @@ -176,6 +179,7 @@ omec-user-plane: cpiface: dnn: "internet" hostname: "upf" 5g-ran-sim: enable: ${ENABLE_GNBSIM} node0:~/aether-in-a-box$ Troubleshooting --------------- **NOTE: Running both 4G and 5G SD-CORE simultaneously in AiaB is currently not supported.** Proxy Issues ^^^^^^^^^^^^ When working with AiaB behind a proxy, it may be possible to experience certain issues due to security policies. That is, the proxy may block a domain (e.g., opencord.org) and you may see messages like these ones when trying to clone or get a copy of aether-in-a-box:: ubuntu18:~$ git clone https://gerrit.opencord.org/aether-in-a-box Cloning into 'aether-in-a-box'... fatal: unable to access 'https://gerrit.opencord.org/aether-in-a-box/': server certificate verification failed. CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt CRLfile: none or:: ubuntu18:~$ wget https://gerrit.opencord.org/plugins/gitiles/aether-in-a-box/+archive/refs/heads/master.tar.gz --2022-06-01 13:13:42-- https://gerrit.opencord.org/plugins/gitiles/aether-in-a-box/+archive/refs/heads/master.tar.gz Resolving proxy.company-xyz.com (proxy.company-xyz.com)... w.x.y.z Connecting to proxy.company-xyz.com (proxy.company-xyz.com)|w.x.y.z|:#... connected. ERROR: cannot verify gerrit.opencord.org's certificate, issued by 'emailAddress=proxy-team@company-xyz.com,... ,C=US': Self-signed certificate encountered. To address this issue, you need to talk to your company's proxy admins and request to unblock (re-classify) the opencord.org domain "make" fails immediately ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ AiaB connects macvlan networks to ``DATA_IFACE`` so that the UPF can communicate on the network. To do this it assumes that the *systemd-networkd* service is installed and running, ``DATA_IFACE`` is under its control, and the systemd-networkd configuration file for ``DATA_IFACE`` ends with ``.network``, where ```` stands for the actual interface name. It tries to find this configuration file by looking in the standard paths. If it fails you'll see a message like:: FATAL: Could not find systemd-networkd config for interface foobar, exiting now! make: *** [Makefile:112: /users/acb/aether-in-a-box//build/milestones/interface-check] Error 1 In this case, you can specify a ``DATA_IFACE_PATH=`` argument to ``make`` so that AiaB can find the systemd-networkd configuration file for ``DATA_IFACE``. It's also possible that your system does not use systemd-networkd to configure network interfaces (more likely if you are running in a VM), in which case AiaB is currently not able to install in your setup. You can check that systemd-networkd is installed and running as follows:: $ systemctl status systemd-networkd.service ● systemd-networkd.service - Network Service Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/systemd-networkd.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Tue 2022-07-12 13:42:18 CDT; 2h 26min ago TriggeredBy: ● systemd-networkd.socket Docs: man:systemd-networkd.service(8) Main PID: 13777 (systemd-network) Status: "Processing requests..." Tasks: 1 (limit: 193212) Memory: 6.4M CGroup: /system.slice/systemd-networkd.service └─13777 /lib/systemd/systemd-networkd .. _AiaB_fails_too_many_files_open: AiaB fails during deployment of SD-Core network ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ When running AiaB in Ubuntu 22.04, AiaB installation fails during the deployment of the SD-Core with an error message as shown below:: ... ... Update Complete. ⎈Happy Helming!⎈ NODE_IP= DATA_IFACE=data RAN_SUBNET= ENABLE_GNBSIM=true envsubst < /home/ubuntu/aether-in-a-box//sd-core-5g-values.yaml | \ helm upgrade --create-namespace --install --wait \ --namespace omec \ --values - \ sd-core \ aether/sd-core Release "sd-core" does not exist. Installing it now. coalesce.go:175: warning: skipped value for kafka.config: Not a table. Error: timed out waiting for the condition make: *** [Makefile:336: /home/ubuntu/aether-in-a-box//build/milestones/5g-core] Error 1 To get more details about the issue, you can execute the following command to see what pod(s) have issues:: $ kubectl -n omec get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE amf-6dd746b9cd-2mk2j 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 13 (24s ago) 42m ausf-6dbb7655c7-4pkmp 1/1 Running 0 42m gnbsim-0 1/1 Running 0 42m metricfunc-7864fb8b7c-srf2l 1/1 Running 3 (41m ago) 42m mongodb-0 1/1 Running 0 42m mongodb-1 1/1 Running 0 41m mongodb-arbiter-0 1/1 Running 0 42m nrf-57c79d9f65-fs9qj 1/1 Running 0 42m nssf-5b85b8978d-q8dz5 1/1 Running 0 42m pcf-758d7cfb48-wjfxf 1/1 Running 0 42m sd-core-kafka-0 1/1 Running 0 42m sd-core-zookeeper-0 1/1 Running 0 42m simapp-6cccd6f787-sd52q 0/1 Error 13 (5m14s ago) 42m smf-ff667d5b8-sw5vf 1/1 Running 0 42m udm-768b9987b4-cqvbg 1/1 Running 0 42m udr-8566897d45-n8cbz 1/1 Running 0 42m upf-0 5/5 Running 0 42m webui-5894ffd49d-bdwf4 1/1 Running 0 42m As shown above, there are problems with the AMF and SIMAPP pods and to see the specifics of the problem, the user can see the logs as shown below:: $ kubectl -n omec logs amf-6dd746b9cd-2mk2j ... ... } (resolver returned new addresses) 2023/01/24 17:24:56 INFO: [core] [Channel #1] Channel switches to new LB policy "pick_first" 2023/01/24 17:24:56 INFO: [core] [Channel #1 SubChannel #2] Subchannel created 2023/01/24 17:24:56 too many open files As the message shows, the problem is due to "too many open files". To resolve this issue, the user can increase the maximum number of available watches and the maximum number of inotify instances (e.g., 10x). To do so, first, see the current maximum numbers:: $ sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_instances fs.inotify.max_user_instances = 128 $ sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_watches fs.inotify.max_user_watches = 1048576 Then, increase these values by executing:: sudo sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_instances=1280 sudo sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_watches=10485760 The above setting gets reset to their original values when the machine is rebooted. You can make this change permanent by creating an override file:: sudo nano /etc/sysctl.d/90-override.conf fs.inotify.max_user_instances=1280 fs.inotify.max_user_watches=10485760 Data plane is not working ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The first step is to read `Understanding AiaB networking`_understanding_aiab_networking, which gives a high level picture of the AiaB data plane and how the pieces fit together. In order to debug the problem you will need to figure out where data plane packets from the eNodeB are dropped. One way to do this is to run ``tcpdump`` on (1) DATA_IFACE to ensure that the data plane packets are arriving, (2) the ``access`` interface to see that they make it to the UPF, and (3) the ``core`` to check that they are forwarded upstream. If the upstream packets don't make it to DATA_IFACE, you probably need to add the static route on the eNodeB so packets to the UPF have a next hop of DATA_IFACE. You can see these upstream packets by running:: tcpdump -i -n udp port 2152 If they don't make it to ``access`` you should check that the kernel routing table is forwarding a packet with destination to the ``access`` interface. You can see them by running:: tcpdump -i access -n udp port 2152 In case packets are not forwarded from ``DATA_IFACE`` to ``acccess`` interface, the following command can be used to forward the traffic which is destined to iptables -A FORWARD -d -i -o access -j ACCEPT If they don't make it to ``core`` then they are being dropped by the UPF for some reason. This may be a configuration issue with the state loaded in the ROC / SD-CORE -- the UPF is being told to discard these packets. You should check that the device's IMSI is part of a slice and that the slice's policy settings allow traffic to that destination. You can view them via the following:: tcpdump -i core -n net That command will capture all packets to/from the UE subnet. If you cannot figure out the issue, see `Getting Help`_. .. _rke2-vs-kubespray-install: Getting Help ------------ Please introduce yourself and post your questions to the `#aether-dev` channel on the ONF Community Slack. Details about how to join this channel can be found on the `ONF Wiki `_. In your introduction please state your institution and position, and describe why you are interested in Aether and what is your end goal. If you need help debugging your setup, please give as much detail as possible about your environment: the OS version you have installed, are you running on bare metal or in a VM, how much CPU and memory does your server have, are you installing behind a proxy, and so on. Also list the steps you have performed so far, and post any error messages you have received. These details will aid the community to understand where you are and how to help you make progress.