.. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2022 Open Networking Foundation SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 Site Removal ============ This section describes how to remove an existing Aether Edge site. Remove cluster and GCP resources -------------------------------- Clone ``aether-pod-configs`` repository. .. code-block:: shell $ cd $WORKDIR $ git clone "ssh://[username]@gerrit.opencord.org:29418/aether-pod-configs" Move the directory to the site you want to delete, ``ace-test`` in this example, and remove all files under the directory except for the following three: * `backend.tf` * `cluster_val.tf` * `provider.tf` .. code-block:: shell $ cd $WORKDIR/aether-pod-configs/production/ace-test $ rm $ ls backend.tf cluster_val.tfvars provider.tf $ cd ../ Next, in the parent directory edit ``cluster_map.tfvars`` and ``vpn_map.tfvars`` to remove the configurations related to the site. .. code-block:: diff $ git diff cluster_map.tfvars diff --git a/production/cluster_map.tfvars b/production/cluster_map.tfvars --- a/production/cluster_map.tfvars +++ b/production/cluster_map.tfvars @@ -43,16 +43,6 @@ cluster_map = { cluster_domain = "prd.tucson.aetherproject.net" calico_ip_detect_method = "can-reach=www.google.com" }, - ace-test = { - cluster_name = "ace-test" - management_subnets = [""] - k8s_version = "v1.18.8-rancher1-1" - k8s_pod_range = "" - k8s_cluster_ip_range = "" - kube_dns_cluster_ip = "" - cluster_domain = "prd.test.aetherproject.net" - calico_ip_detect_method = "can-reach=www.google.com" - }, ace-stanford1 = { cluster_name = "ace-stanford1" $ git diff vpn_map.tfvars diff --git a/production/vpn_map.tfvars b/production/vpn_map.tfvars --- a/production/vpn_map.tfvars +++ b/production/vpn_map.tfvars @@ -16,16 +16,6 @@ vpn_map = { bgp_peer_ip_range_2 = "" bgp_peer_ip_address_2 = "" }, - ace-test = { - peer_name = "production-ace-test" - peer_vpn_gateway_address = "" - tunnel_shared_secret = "" - bgp_peer_asn = "65003" - bgp_peer_ip_range_1 = "" - bgp_peer_ip_address_1 = "" - bgp_peer_ip_range_2 = "" - bgp_peer_ip_address_2 = "" - }, ace-stanford1 = { peer_name = "production-ace-stanford1" peer_vpn_gateway_address = "" Create a review request with the above changes. .. code-block:: shell $ git status Changes not staged for commit: deleted: ace-test/_ansible/extra_vars.yml deleted: ace-test/ansible/hosts.ini deleted: ace-test/ddon-manifests.yml.tpl deleted: ace-test/luster.tf deleted: ace-test/cp_classic_vpn.tf deleted: ace-test/cp_fw.tf deleted: ace-test/ember.tf deleted: ace-test/roject.tf deleted: ace-test/ke-bare-metal.tf modified: cluster_map.tfvars modified: vpn_map.tfvars $ git add . $ git commit -m "Remove test ACE runtime and VPN configs" $ git review Once your review request is accepted and merged, Aether CI/CD system starts to destroy K8S cluster in Rancher and VPN, router, and FW resources in GCP. .. attention:: Destroying K8S cluster does not clean up the nodes. Delete deployment jobs ---------------------- Clone ``aether-ci-management`` repository. .. code-block:: shell $ cd $WORKDIR $ git clone "ssh://[username]@gerrit.opencord.org:29418/aether-ci-management" Edit ``cd-pipeline-terraform.yaml`` and delete both pre-merge and post-merge jobs. .. code-block:: diff $ cd $WORKDIR/aether-ci-management $ vi jjb/repos/cd-pipeline-terraform.yaml diff --git a/jjb/repos/cd-pipeline-terraform.yaml b/jjb/repos/cd-pipeline-terraform.yaml --- a/jjb/repos/cd-pipeline-terraform.yaml +++ b/jjb/repos/cd-pipeline-terraform.yaml @@ -206,10 +206,6 @@ cluster: 'ace-tucson' - - 'cd-pipeline-terraform-premerge-cluster': - cluster: 'ace-test' - - 'cd-pipeline-terraform-postmerge-cluster': - cluster: 'ace-test' - 'cd-pipeline-terraform-premerge-cluster': cluster: 'ace-stanford1' Submit your change and wait for the post-merge job completes. .. code-block:: shell $ git add . $ git commit -m "Remove test ACE deployment jobs" $ git review Delete site directory --------------------- Finally, delete the remaining site directory from ``aether-pod-configs``. .. code-block:: shell $ cd $WORKDIR/aether-pod-configs/production $ rm -rf ace-test Create a review request. .. code-block:: shell $ git status Changes not staged for commit: deleted: ace-test/backend.tf deleted: ace-test/cluster_val.tf deleted: ace-test/provider.tf $ git add . $ git commit -m "Clean up test ACE configs" $ git review .. note:: Terraform state file may still exist in the cloud storage. A new job is required to clean up the state file.